low poly clutter pack
add detail to your interior scenes with random clutter
.blend file + .jpg image textures
+ alternate low res .blend file + low res .jpg image textures
all models less than 1k faces (most of them less than 100)
royalty free - use them however you want
object list:
- ashtray
- campus notebook
- goldenstar balm
- velo pouch container
- plastic coffee bottle
- zavas protein milk box
- instant coffee pack
- burts bees chapstick
- trojan wrapper
- whey peptide pouch
- graphic pencil
- crushed plastic coffee bottle
- plastic bag
- pack of ibuprofen
- sponge
- multivitamins
- box of bandaids
- nintendo switch super smash bros
do not resell
24.2 MB
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